Appointments can be made by telephoning 020 7580 0646. Please can you let us know the age if you are booking an appointment for a child.
Appointment times are as follows
Monday to Friday 8.45a.m – 6.00p.m
Lunchtime appointments are available.
Outside Hours Emergency Appointments
These are only available for patients of the practice
In the case on an out of hours dental emergency, please call the practice on 0207 580 0646 and make a note of both telephone numbers to call provided by our answering service.
Initial Consultations
These can be varied depending on the nature of the issue or referral from another dentist. All initial Consultations will last up to an hour and longer if more in depth scans are required. If it’s an initial routine consultation or a more complex issue, we always take a detailed medical and dental history before discussing your personal dental needs. We will then carry out a full Oral Health Examination, which will include the following:
We will give you feedback on all our findings before giving you advice on how to maintain or improve your oral health. Any treatment required will be discussed along with the fees involved. A full written treatment plan and relevant costing will be provided before proceeding with any treatment.
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